Lo studio dell’interazione sociale nei contesti educativi: risultati e questioni irrisolte

Hugh Mehan


The study of social interaction in educational settings: accomplishments and unresolved issues


Traduzione di Raffaele Alessandro Panza


The study of face-to-face interaction in educational settings is placed in historical context. The major themes of interactional analysis – that social and cognitive structures are constructed in social interaction, human behavior is context-specific, cultural discontinuity helps explain educational inequality, and learning is a sociocultural process – are reviewed, and the contributions of these findings to theory, methodology and pedagogy are assessed. The paper concludes with a discussion of two unresolved issues: the integration of social structure and interaction in educational analysis and the reconciliation of conflictual and consensual dimensions of learning.


Constructivism, context-specific behavior, critical ethnography, cultural discontinuity, interaction, micro-macro connections, microethnography, sociocultural theory

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